Mac High Summer Camp

Mac High Summer Camp

"What a great initiative! As a parent, it was great to know that our child has already made connections with staff and other future students, and was getting comfortable in his futre learning enviornment."
— Parent of a Summer '21 grade 5 Camper

Mac High Summer Camp is a recent and incredible addition to the school's community outreach.

In it's inaugural summer, Mac welcomed grades 5, 6, and 7 students to take part in two wonderful weeks of summer activities. Students were able to visit water slides, participate in mini olympics, climb trees at Arbraska (and much more!), all while getting to know the school, its facilities, and many staff members—not to mention bonding with some of the older Mac students, who worked as monitors.

For more information about the camp and what to look forward to next summer, please click here to visit our website.