Bulldogs of the Past

Thousands of students have graduated from Mac during its 100+ years of existence.

Notable Mac Grads: Toller Cranston (Canadian Figure Skater), Bill Haughland (Former CTV News Correspondant), and Justin Senior (drafted by the Seattle Seahawks)

Memories from the Bulldogs of the Past:

Mac gave me confidence and let me be myself, from tons of sports where anyone could play, to giving me second chances, to a student body and community that encouraged student council and leadership camps, to having great speakers come in to talent shows where we could be silly to teachers and staff that volunteered, coached, fundraised, chaperoned and spent countless lunches helping me with math. Like any school, there were ups and downs but I'm very grateful to Mac and credit the school with much of my happiness today and feeling of being happy in my own skin.

Grad of 1999

"Choosing Mac was a decision I never regretted. Mac High nurtured my creative spirit. The school worked hard to allow students to create after school clubs and events. I felt a sense of safety and belonging at Mac. I was able to figure out who I wanted to be and was given guidance to get there."

Grad of 1990

We had the best trips! Florida - Europe - New York - Boston - Mac will always have a special place in my heart, as I started dating my now husband when we were both students there. And now our daughter goes there!

Grad of 2003

Mac was my home away from home. Getting on the bus every morning was easy as I knew I was going somewhere safe and where I was accepted. Students were kind and generous and the teachers were always there to support, be it for emotional support, perfecting my spike in volleyball or math help at lunch, it was never a problem.

Grad of 2001