"Acting should be bigger than life. Scripts should be bigger than life. It should all be bigger than life."
— Bette Davis
Dramatic Arts
From Shakespeare to the silver screen; from the very first camera to modern special effects; ride along as we explore the multiple and exciting facets of the Dramatic Arts!
Drama classes at Mac consist primarily of the students' performance of Dramatic Skits and the creation and performance of at least one Major Project each term.
A secondary focus of the Dramatic Arts at Mac is the appreciation of Dramatic Works, wherein students write reviews, character analyses, and develop their understanding and appreciation of works created by others.

School Play
Every year Macdonald High's Dramatic Arts department puts on a school play. Any and all students are invited to come out and audition for a role, or students may decide to come out and help with the behind-the-scenes action! Past perfomarnces have included "Frozen", "The Addam's Family" and "School of Rock".
Improv Team
Mac has both a Junior (Grades 8 and 9) and Senior (Grades 10 and 11) improv teams. Improv is when we act out stories without a script - everything is totally made up on the spot based on suggestions from the audience. The Mac improv teams deliver laughs when they perform at our school, for local elementary schools, and when they compete in the nationwide tournament The Canadian Improv Games
2018 Senior Improv Team (Finalists in the Canadian Improv Games)